Congratulations to our 2024 winner Jordan Gierke!
I’m Andrew Flusche, and I became a lawyer because I wanted an engaging profession where I could help people. I almost became an accountant or a computer programmer, but I truly thought that law would give me the greatest opportunity to work directly with other people in need.
We want to hear about why you want to become a lawyer. What inspired you to enter into such a challenging profession. More importantly, we want to hear how you will make a difference in the community as you progress through your legal career.
Write an essay describing why you want to become a lawyer and we will choose one (1) entry to be selected and awarded $1,000 to put towards their law school tuition. Additionally, please also submit a letter of recommendation from a valuable reference to be considered for the scholarship award.
In order to apply for this scholarship, you must be enrolled at an accredited law school located in the United States.
In your essay submission, we want to hear about:
One (1) winner will be selected and awarded $1,000 to put towards their law school tuition.
Your application must contain only one PDF file with your proof of enrollment, letter of recommendation, and essay included in that order.
July 30, 2025
Direct all questions to
July 30, 2025
A winner will be selected and contacted by the email address provided on August 30, 2025.
One (1) winner will be selected and awarded $1,000 to put towards their law school tuition.