Pointless Traffic Ticket Complaints
State Troopers and deputies really have heard it all. And they get the same sob stories over and over. That’s why this article that my wife found seems pertinent for drivers too: Complaints that fail: 5 e-mails to avoid The article is focused on the travel industry and the pointless complaints customers send in. They’re […]
MoreDon’t Drive Drunk to Prison
An ironic story just came up in the news. A man headed to prison to serve his DUI sentence in Vermont, but he was drunk. And he drove himself. What a mess! Now this guy is facing a charge of second offense DUI, and he still has to serve the time for the first offense. […]
MoreBeware of Cell Phones in Court
I try to advise my clients about the entire experience of attending court, especially cell rules. A Florida woman was convicted of contempt when her cell rang in the courtroom. Lucky for her, the conviction was reversed on appeal. But you definitely don’t want to go down that road at all. The area courts have […]
MoreDriving School Differs Among Judges
One of the most difficult parts of my work is handling the nuances of different judges. Virginia law allows judges to reduce, amend, or dismiss a traffic case if the defendant completes a driving school. But each judge gets to determine their own policy of how this is handled. As you can imagine, if people […]
MoreVirginia Radar Detector Ban Still In Force
Virginia natives know the law about radar detectors. And any visitor to the Commonwealth has seen the huge warning signs as they cross the border. Welcome to Virginia, but watch your speed! A bill that would have repealed Virginia’s radar detector ban failed in the House of Delegates on the 11th. The bill was quite […]
MoreSpeed Limit May Increase to 70
Virginia law currently specifies the maximum speed limit as 65 miles per hour. There is one exception for Interstate 85, but everywhere else is only 65 mph. That may change. The Virginia House of Delegates voted today in favor of a bill to increase the maximum speed limit to 70 mph. The Associated Press seems […]
MoreDon't Stand Up While Speeding
That advice may seem obvious. But an Arizona man is being charged with speeding, reckless driving, and some other civil charges for standing up while driving almost 80 miles per hour. This video clip is astounding: If this driver was in Virginia, he’d probably be charged with general reckless driving, which alleges that he was […]
MoreSchool Zone Speed Limits May Be Illegal
If you are charged with speeding in a school zone (or reckless driving by speed in a school zone), you should definitely talk with an attorney. The posted speed limit may be illegal. If the speed limit is not correct, your case may be dismissed completely! Virginia law sets the speed limit for all highways […]
MoreLaw Journal Interviews Andrew
I was recently interviewed by the Wisconsin Law Journal regarding virtual office services. The journalist, Jane Pribek, produced a great article on the topic. Virtual services make a lot of sense to me. My law firm operates using the best technology, service, or product for a given need. I don’t pick the most expensive option […]
MoreVirginia Obstruction of Justice Defense
Obstruction of justice is a serious offense in Virginia. If you are charged with obstructing justice, you should know about your rights and possible defenses. Virginia’s obstruction of justice statute has four sections. Depending upon which section you are charged under, the offense could be a misdemeanor or a felony. Either way, you are facing […]