Driving School Before Court – Think Twice
If you have a Virginia traffic ticket, you might be thinking about doing a driver improvement clinic in preparation for your court date. But did you know that doing that could hurt your case? Let me explain why. Virginia’s driver improvement clinics are designed to teach people how to drive safer. You can attend a […]
MoreWatch Out for Pedestrians on the Interstate
I was sitting in Stafford General District Court today when the judge called a case for “being a pedestrian on the interstate.” I honestly had never seen a case regarding that statute, so I was quite interested to hear what happened. The Trooper testified that he saw two young ladies on foot in the middle […]
MorePaying Tickets Doesn't Keep Your Record Clean
I talk to people quite often who tell me that their driving record should be clean. They say things like “I’ve received tickets, but I paid them.” Paying a fine doesn’t keep your record clean. Nope. In fact, if you have to pay a fine, that most likely means you were found guilty of the […]
MoreFighting Virginia Radar / Lidar Calibration Certificates
If you have a ticket for speeding or reckless driving by speed in Virginia, the officer’s calibration certificate is a critical piece of evidence against you. But what defenses are available? I’ll explain a few. Transcription For those visitors who prefer reading, here is a transcription of the video. Hello, I’m Andrew Flusche. I’m talking […]
MoreDo You Have the Right to See the Radar Gun?
Many people think they have the right to see the radar or laser gun when they are stopped for speeding or reckless driving. In Virginia, that’s not correct.
MoreShould You Get Your Speedometer Calibrated?
If you are charged with speeding or reckless driving in Virginia, you may be thinking about a speedometer calibration. Is it worth the cost?
MoreMove Over or Slow Down – Failure to Yield to Vehicles
UPDATE The below content is out of date. As of 2023, Virginia has a move-over law that applies to ALL vehicles with flashing lights. That code section is now 46.2-861.1. Virginia’s relatively new “move over law” (46.2-921.1) was changed significantly in 2010. Even before the changes, people were confused about what the law requires. Here’s […]
MoreWhat Counts as Court Community Service?
Some of my clients end up doing community service due to their traffic cases, whether it is court ordered or simply in preparation for trial. One question many of them have is: what counts as community service? Court community service must be done at a non-profit organization. This means that you cannot simply volunteer for […]
MoreWhat is a Highway in Virginia?
The Virginia traffic code refers to “highways” quite a bit. Many of the offenses specified in the code have to take place on a “highway.” Quite often I hear from potential clients and people who represent themselves in court: “But I wasn’t even on a highway!” I’m sad to report that defense usually isn’t going […]
MoreBeware of National Motorists Association Ticket Manual
There’s no shortage of ebooks on fighting traffic tickets. Some of them are good resources, and some are simply wrong. I recently read the National Motorists Association’s ebook entitled “Fight That Ticket!”, and I’m a bit surprised by its inaccuracies. To be fair, their ebook is intended as a general guide for anyone in the […]