How Long Does it Take to Get a Restricted License?
One of the most common issues after being convicted of a DWI in Virginia is getting a restricted license so you can drive to work, to school, to a doctor’s appointment, etc. The problem is, it can take a little while to get the restricted license in order, so one common question clients have is: […]
MoreWhat Happens If My DUI Case Is Dismissed in VA?
After a period of uncertainty, you’ve learned that your DUI case has been dismissed in Virginia. This news may bring a sense of relief, but it’s normal to have lingering questions about what this outcome means for your record, driving privileges, and day-to-day life. This guide will explain what happens when a case is dismissed […]
MoreIs It Worth It to Go to Court for a Simple Speeding Ticket?
You’re driving through Virginia, maybe a bit over the speed limit, when flashing lights appear in your rearview mirror. You’re given a ticket, and now you’re faced with a choice—pay the fine and move on, or go to court and fight. Before deciding, consider how paying it impacts your future. Going to court for a […]
MoreHow Much Will My Virginia Speeding Ticket Cost Me?
Exploring the consequences of speeding in Virginia? This guide unpacks the potential financial hit from fines to court fees, and how expert legal representation can make a difference in your case. Key Takeaways Virginia speeding ticket costs include fines ($6-$8 per mph over the limit), court fees (around $61-$67), and potential additional charges. Specific […]
MoreSuspended vs. Revoked License In Virginia
License suspension and revocation refer to the Commonwealth of Virginia taking away a person’s driving privileges. The legal significance of having a suspended license vs. a revoked license is significant, and you need to be aware of the difference. If you have a revoked or a suspended driver’s license in Virginia, you need expert legal […]
More3 Tactics To Get Out Of A Reckless Driving Charge
A reckless driving charge can result in a costly fine and increased insurance payments. Additionally, a reckless driving charge carries six demerit points. If you receive too many demerit points within a designated period, the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) may suspend your driver’s license. Some people believe a reckless driving charge is too […]
MoreWhat Happens If the Officer Doesn’t Show up for Court?
A lot of clients ask me: If the officer doesn’t show up to court, will my case be dismissed? Unfortunately, as with a lot of things in law, the answer is, it depends. If the officer doesn’t show up for court, he will usually provide a reason. In these cases, most judges will continue the […]
MoreFour Tips for Handling Reckless Driving Tickets
When you’re accused of reckless driving, you have options. One of the first choices you need to make is how you’re going to handle the case. Do you want to handle it yourself, ignore it, or hire an attorney? Let’s see how those choices work. Here are 4 tips for handling your reckless driving ticket […]
MoreWhat If I Am Charged With Driving Under the Influence of Prescription Medications?
Getting charged with driving under the influence (DUI) can be a frightening experience, especially when the cause is prescription medication. Many Virginians assume that because their medication is legally prescribed, they are safe to drive. However, this is not necessarily the case. Driving under the influence of prescription drugs is treated with the same seriousness […]
MoreHow to Beat Driving on Suspended License Ticket in Virginia
Did you know that it’s possible to beat a driving on suspended offense if the officer did not have a legal reason to pull you over? In order to be convicted of driving on a suspended license in Virginia, the officer must have a legal reason to pull you over. This defense applies to many […]