How Long Will A Virginia Reckless Driving Charge Stay on My Record?
Virginia defines reckless driving as “any person who drives a vehicle on any highway recklessly or at a speed or in a manner so as to endanger the life, limb, or property of any person” irrespective of the speed limit on that particular road. The state takes charges of reckless driving very seriously, and the […]
MoreFighting No Insurance Tickets in Virginia
Did you know that you could be found not guilty of having no insurance even if you didn’t have insurance? Yes, it sounds crazy. But the Commonwealth of Virginia has to prove that you also didn’t pay the uninsured motor vehicle fee. If they can’t prove both parts of the statute (46.2-707), your no insurance […]
MoreIs It Worth Getting a Lawyer for a Speeding Ticket in Virginia?
If you were recently pulled over for speeding, you might be asking yourself: is it worth getting a lawyer for a speeding ticket? While you might initially think that you can handle your speeding ticket on your own, it is important to consider the benefits of working with an attorney who can fight for you. […]
MorePetty Larceny in Virginia: The Law and the Penalties
Patty Larceny in VA Overview Facing petty larceny charges in Virginia can be anxiety-inducing, especially when you do not have a prior criminal record. I regularly represent clients who are facing misdemeanor charges and need help fighting to keep a criminal record clean. I recognize that people can make mistakes, and I also know that […]
MoreScholarship Winner for Spring 2018 – Sidney Brown
We’re proud to announce the winner of The Andrew Flusche Scholarship for the spring of 2018: Sidney Brown. Sidney is from Wiggins, Mississippi. She is attending University of Southern Mississippi to Major in Microbiology and Minor in Chemistry and Spanish. After graduation, she plans to attend medical school and specialize in forensic or clinical pathology. […]
MoreWhen can you cross the double yellow line?
Did you know that Virginia law does permit you to cross the double yellow line in some circumstances? Check out my video for details:
More[Study] Virginia Counties with the Highest Drunk Driving Fatality Rates
I regularly defend folks who are charged with DUI in Virginia. Our criminal justice system depends upon criminal defense lawyers fighting hard to limit the government’s reach and protect individual rights. At the same time, I recognize that DUI is a serious offense that can result in fatalities. Based on data from the CDC, we […]
MoreWhat is a capias warrant?
In Virginia there are certain options the judge has if you miss court when you’re summons to be there as a witness or as a defendant. One of those options is to issue what’s called a capias. A capias is a bench warrant for your arrest. It orders the sheriff to find you and arrest […]
MoreFall 2017 Scholarship Winner!
I am pleased to announce that we have a winner for our Fall 2017 Andrew Flusche Scholarship: Lucas Camusso: Lucas is a Film major at the University of Central Florida, and he submitted an incredibly creative video about “how to interact with the police.” Check out his video: We are now accepting applications for the […]
MoreHow to Interact with the Police – Scholarship Entries – Fall 2017
Two times a year we run a scholarship contest to help out college / trade school students. The fall 2017 theme was to create a PSA about how to interact with the police, and we received some great entries. We will announce the winner soon, but for now, here are the entries: Jordan L. Jasmin […]