When to Hire a Virginia Speeding Ticket Lawyer
One of the most common questions I get when people contact me about a regular speeding ticket is whether it makes sense to hire a traffic lawyer. I practice in a handful of courts around Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania, Stafford, King George, and Caroline, but these tips should apply to any situation where you have a Virginia […]
MoreIs Reckless Driving a Traffic Violation or a Moving Violation
Reckless driving is a serious driving offense for one to face. The penalties can be stiff, so it is important for anyone facing such a charge to understand the laws surrounding it. A common question I receive about reckless driving is, Is reckless driving a traffic violation, or is reckless driving a moving violation? The […]
MoreVirginia Open Container Law
VA Open Container Law Overview Many people don’t understand how Virginia’s open container law operates. The law criminalizes drinking while driving, and it makes convictions relatively easy to obtain. Let’s look at it. The statute (18.2-323.1) has two parts. Section A says that it’s unlawful to drink while driving. That’s pretty straightforward. The portion that […]
More3rd DUI Offense in Virginia (VA)
The information contained here is provided by experienced Virginia DUI lawyer Andrew Flusche and was last updated in January of 2021. What are the Penalties for a 3rd DUI in VA? If you already have two DUI convictions on your record, you are facing severe penalties for your 3rd DUI in Virginia. Although you might […]
MoreHow to Avoid Reckless Driving Immigration Consequences in Virginia
A resident alien, meaning a person living in the United States legally on a green card, must be very careful not to commit any criminal offenses. A conviction for any criminal offense could have severe consequences on your immigration status. Traffic offenses are typically considered minor crimes. However, if you receive a citation for reckless […]
MoreFall 2020 Scholarship Winner
We are pleased to announce the Fall 2020 Andrew Flusche Scholarship winner: Amelia Hedemark. Amelia made a super creative video PSA about how to drive courteously: Here’s a little bit about Amelia: My name in Amelia Hedemark and I’m from Raleigh, North Carolina. I attend Wake Tech Community College and plan to transfer to a […]
MoreOut-of-State Drivers: How to Handle Your Virginia Reckless Driving Ticket
Are you an out of state driver who’s charged with Virginia reckless driving? You’re probably confused about whether or not you have to come to court and wondering what will happen. Why can’t you just pay this stupid ticket? When you are driving in Virginia and get pulled over and cited for reckless driving, you […]
MoreVirginia Speeding Ticket When Out of State
Did You Receive a Virginia Speeding Ticket as an Out of State Driver? If you’ve received a Virginia speeding ticket when you’re out of state, you’re in the right place to learn how to handle it. The video below will give you a quick overview of the situation. I’m a local attorney who focuses on […]
MoreArrive Alive – Scholarship Winner for Fall 2019
I am proud to announce our latest scholarship winner: Addison Stone. Addison created the awesome video you see below, entitled “Arrive Alive.” Enjoy: Addison is a freshman Honors Scholar at Texas Woman’s University. She took enough AP and Dual Credit in high school to complete her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art Education degree in […]
MoreScholarship Winner! – Spring 2019
We are pleased to announce the winner of our Spring 2019 scholarship: Kimberly Nolan from Florida! Kimberly made an incredibly unique and creative video about the dangers of distracted driving. Check it out here: This fall she will be attending Florida Atlantic University and majoring in Health Science. Our Fall 2019 Scholarship is already online, […]