As featured in our July newsletter:
In 2003 Andie McConnell moved into a new home near a family whose son was a brain cancer survivor. She got to know the family and learned of their struggles when their son was faced with pediatric cancer. These conversations stuck with her through the years and became very important in 2009 when the child of an acquaintance was diagnosed with a rare form of pediatric brain cancer. In hopes of easing the financial burden brought on by cancer, she began fundraising, and in doing so, a great passion was born. As the fundraising unfolded, she and the family she was helping became dear friends. One day the mom asked if Andie would be the “fairy godmother” for her children. In that moment, The Fairy Godmother Project (FGP) was born.
The FGP is about supporting parents in crisis so they can spend more quality time with their children. Day-to-day tasks and household chores take a backseat when you have a sick child. Andie believes that the parents in pediatric cancer families need extra support because what they are facing is unimaginable. There are currently 65 volunteers in the Fredericksburg Chapter who are offering support to nine families. Some of these services include: meals, lawn care, professional house cleaning, date nights, haircuts and professional photography. Gas cards are also donated to these families to help ease the cost of gas for endless trips to the doctor’s office.
Since 2009, the FGP has grown and now has a Richmond Chapter, and they are preparing to launch a chapter in Southern Maryland this summer. New growth also provides opportunities for people in our community to give back in countless ways. If you or someone you know is interested in volunteering, here are just a few examples of what kind of help is needed: meal makers, lawn mowers, people to help with house projects, help with events, fundraising and grant writing. Monetary donations and gas cards are also accepted, as well as donations of items to be used in auctions and other events. Andie shared what she has learned all since starting the FGP: “I have learned so much, grown as a person, made new friends and started something I never imagined possible all while helping others and setting a good example for my children.”
For more information on how to become involved with the FGP, contact:
Andie McConnell
Executive Director