If you’re facing a Spotsylvania reckless driving by speed ticket, there’s a lot of things you need to know in order to mount your defense.
The first thing to do I recommend is to request a copy of my free book that will explain a lot of things that you’re facing about your Spotsylvania reckless driving by speed ticket, but let me give you a few tips before you even get to that point.
One of the first things to check into when you have a Spotsylvania reckless driving by speed ticket is to check over the ticket and confirm what kind of reckless driving you’re facing. The most important thing is to check the code section. Right under the court date your ticket will have a little blank that should say “46.2-862.” If you see that, that’s the Virginia Code section for reckless driving by speed. If you’re faced with a different kind of reckless driving that should be a case that I can help you with. We would just need to talk about it and there are different pieces of information that we would need to discuss.
Once you determine that you’re charged with reckless driving by speed in Spotsylvania we need to look at what speed you’re faced with. Did the officer formally write on the ticket what speed they’re alleging that you drove? Interstate 95 in Spotsylvania county is tricky because there’s two different speed zones. At mile marker 124, the speed limit changes from 70 to 65. It’s 70 to the south of mile marker 124 and it’s 65 miles an hour to the north of mile marker 124. If you’re charged with reckless driving by speed on the interstate in Spotsylvania, not only do we need to know the speed the officer claimed you were going but we also need to know what zone you were in.
At this point, we can really talk about the facts of the case. The most important first thing I’m going to ask when we talk about your case is whether it was a routine speeding stop. In many of these cases, the officer clocks you on laser or radar or paces you. They pull you over. They give you a ticket, and you’re on your way. It is essentially a speeding stop. You just get a kind of elevated ticket. It’s more serious than a regular speeding ticket due to the amount of speed you’re accused of going. But sometimes there’s more to the case, and I need to know that.
Now the other thing I’m going to ask about the encounter with the officer is whether or not you were polite and cooperative. Most judges really care if you were at least cooperative and polite to the officer. That doesn’t mean you have to answer every question. I have many articles on my website about not doing all their tests such as the preliminary breath test and field sobriety tests. You can politely say, “No thank you, officer, I’m not going to do that,” but you should always be polite about it.
One of the other things that I’ll ask you to talk about your case is about your driving record. Your driving record plays an important role in a defense for Spotsylvania reckless driving by speed because it’s going to be a basis to try to get the judge to give us a break on the charge. Depending upon all the facts of your case and your driving record, what we try to do is get the case reduced to a lesser offense like speeding or maybe completely dismissed with you doing something like a driver improvement class. The specific nature of when those outcomes are possible is something we need to talk about individually, but if we can get the charge completely dismissed, that’s obviously a desirable outcome. That means it doesn’t go on your driving record and it wouldn’t go any on kind of criminal record.
If you have a Spotsylvania reckless driving by speed ticket, what I suggest is to download a free copy of my book here and then give me a call so we can chat about your case.