A lot of people contact my office after receiving a reckless driving ticket in Virginia and are concerned about how it might affect their citizenship or naturalization process for United States. It’s definitely an issue that needs to be addressed.
Reckless driving in Virginia is a class 1 misdemeanor as I’ve discussed before. This means that it’s a criminal offense that you’re accused of. If you are in the process for citizenship or naturalization, you definitely understand that any criminal offense could be an issue for your immigration process.
This is why it’s definitely important for you to talk with a local traffic attorney who handles cases like this. I would love to talk with you about your Virginia reckless driving ticket so we can see what may happen in court and what options you might have.
Depending upon your driving record and your overall situation, a reckless driving ticket in Virginia could very well be reduced to a lesser offense such as simple speeding. If we’re successful in that, then it would simply be a traffic conviction or just a traffic infraction and it would no longer be a misdemeanor that would go onto your record. That should help alleviate any concerns that the reckless driving ticket might have with your immigration process.
And even better than that, depending upon your overall situation, some reckless driving tickets could be completely dismissed. Instead of having a reckless driving criminal conviction, we might can make the case to completely go away, depending upon your record and you attending a driving school or something of that nature.
Definitely don’t let a reckless driving ticket stand in the way of your citizenship or naturalization here in the United States. Be sure to contact me right away so I can see what we can do together to help alleviate this issue and get the best possible result in court for your reckless driving case.
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