What Happens if You Fail to Attend Traffic School for a Ticket?
If you are supposed to go to Virginia traffic school for a ticket and don’t complete it, the consequences will vary depending upon your particular situation. For DMV-ordered driving school (due to being a young driver or accumulating too many points), DMV will suspend your license. To fix your license, you’ll have to complete the […]
MoreWhat is Delayed Reporting in Virginia?
In Virginia’s General District Court if you’re sentenced to jail time for a misdemeanor charge (such as Virginia DUI, reckless driving or possession of marijuana) we have some options to delay the jail time. One option is delayed reporting. Delayed reporting is essentially a request to the judge to order that you report for your […]
MoreCan I Drive a Work Vehicle Without Ignition Interlock on it?
If you’re found guilty of DUI in Virginia, to get a restricted license you have to have ignition interlock installed on your vehicle. That is now state law. But one of the issues that comes up sometimes is if you have to drive for work, would you have to get the ignition interlock installed on […]
MoreLawyer Success Rates Can Be Manipulated
Virginia traffic lawyers who publish their “success rates” could be manipulating the numbers to make themselves look better. Video Transcription Hello, my name’s Andrew Flusche. I’m a Virginia traffic lawyer. One reason why I can’t stand that attorneys publish success rates is because those numbers can be doctored and manipulated quite easily. Let’s look at […]
MoreDo Not Take Advice from Prosecutor
I always thought it was self-explanatory, but do NOT take advice from the prosecutor. Video Transcription Hello, my name is Andrew Flusche. I’m a Virginia misdemeanor and traffic lawyer. One question that comes up when I’m speaking with potential clients sometimes and they’re thinking about going to court themselves, is they’re thinking about whether or […]
MoreWas the officer mistaken when he clocked my vehicle?
I talk to many potential clients who think that the officer must have been mistaken when he clocked their vehicle and claimed they were going a certain speed on the interstate. This typically happens when someone is charged with reckless driving, for example, and they’re very upset about the nature of the charge. They simply […]
MoreBeat Virginia DWI Due to the Time
Video Transcription Hello my name is Andrew Flusche. I’m a Virginia traffic and DUI attorney. You might can beat your Virginia DUI solely based on time. If you’re arrested for DUI and then submit to a breath or blood sample, in order to use the certificate of analysis against you in the court, the Commonwealth […]
MoreVirginia License Offenses – Critical Knowledge
I was in Culpeper General District Court the other day to handle a reckless driving by speed ticket for my client. I was simply shocked at what I saw happen. Another defense attorney got up to handle his case before the judge. It was a driver’s license violation of some type. He apparently had an […]
MoreVirginia Speedometer Calibration Demo and Sample Calibration
If you’re thinking about getting your speedometer calibrated, you need to make sure it will be admissible in court. Instead of just telling clients what to do, I went straight to the source. I recorded the entire calibration process, so you can see what the mechanic should be doing. For calibrations in the greater Fredericksburg […]
MoreBeat a Spotsylvania Reckless Driving Ticket
There are many ways to beat your reckless driving in Spotsylvania, Virginia ticket. You should know from the outset that it is a misdemeanor charge, and the possible punishments include a fine of up to $2,500.00, jail time up to one year, and loss of your license up to six months. Thus it is very […]