How Much Will My Virginia Speeding Ticket Cost Me?
Exploring the consequences of a Virginia speeding ticket? and wondering how much a Virginia speeding ticket costs?
A speeding ticket in Virginia can lead to hefty fines and additional court fees.
Whether a lawyer represents you can also affect the cost of your speeding ticket.
An experienced traffic lawyer can help protect you from unnecessary negative consequences of your speeding ticket.
Contact the experienced Virginia speeding ticket lawyers at Flusche and Fitzgerald, Attorneys at Law today to learn how Andrew Flusche and Ryan Fitzgerald can help you.
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Determining the Code Section of Your Virginia Speeding Ticket
Fines for speeding are predetermined and set out in the traffic code. The summons will contain a section titled “Law Section.”
You will find the section of the relevant traffic code listed here.
For example, you will see section 46.2-870 for a general speeding violation.
Then, look below to see the fine attached to the law violated.
Determining the Court Cost of Your Speeding Ticket in Virginia
For a speeding violation, you may need to pay court costs, which are separate from the ticket fines.
This means that the total cost of your speeding ticket in Virginia will include court costs on top of the fine.
Court costs vary somewhat depending on the jurisdiction. However, court costs are often between $61 and $67.
Determining Your Virginia Speeding Ticket Fine
The Virginia Code defines traffic and speeding laws.
Each section contains a different speeding law, and violating that law then corresponds to a fine amount.
The fine is either $6, $7, or $8 for each mile per hour over the speed limit you were driving.
For example, if you were driving 10 miles per hour over the speed limit and the associated fine is $6 for each mile, your fine will be $60.
Below are the fines for various code violations. One of these code sections should match the code listed on your summons.
A fine of $6 for every mile per hour of the speed limit applies to:
- General speeding (§46.2-870),
- Speeding in a school bus (§46.2-871),
- Speeding in a special permit vehicle (§46.2-872),
- Speeding in business or residential districts (§46.2-874),
- Speeding on a bridge (§46.2-881), and
- Exceeding speed limits set by the Department of Transportation (§46.2-878).
A fine of $7 for every mile per hour of the speed limit applies to the following violations:
- Speeding in a school zone (§46.2-873) and
- Speeding in a highway work zone (§46.2-878.1).
The fine for speeding in certain residential areas is $200 plus $8 per mile over the speed limit (§46.2-878.2).
Speeding on a highway can come with a maximum fine of $500. This fine will double if you do not appear in court (§46.2-947).
You should always speak with a traffic defense lawyer about your case.
I may be able to get your charges reduced, even if you know you were speeding. Contact my office today to get started.
Potential Additional Costs for Speeding Tickets in Virginia
Court Fees
The average court fee is around $64 for speeding.
If you are facing several charges, you will need to pay an additional fee for each.
Also, the court will charge you a 4% convenience fee if you pay the court with a credit or debit card.
Note that a judge may waive court costs. I try to minimize court costs for clients when at all possible.
Attorney Fees
An attorney’s fees depend upon each individual lawyer, the complexity of the case, and your goals for the case.
For example, if you are charged with a high-speed reckless driving offense that could result in jail time, you will likely pay a higher attorney’s fee than if you have a simple pre-payable speeding ticket.
Because every lawyer and firm uses different billing practices, you should speak directly with the attorney for more information on fees.
Failure to Appear Fees
If you do not appear in court, the court will charge you a $35 fee. You can request a hearing to explain your absence.
The court may decide not to charge this fee if you have a good reason for failing to appear.
Frequently Asked Questions About Virginia Speeding Tickets
How Much is a 15 Over Speeding Ticket in Virginia?
For going 15 m.p.h. over the speed limit in Virginia, the fine is $167, and you’ll receive a penalty of 4 points on your driving record.
How Much Will a Virginia Speeding Ticket Cost?
The total Virginia Speeding Ticket cost for fines and costs varies depending upon the court and if you are charged with speeding or reckless driving by speed.
For simple speeding, the statutory fine is $6 per mile per hour over the limit. Court costs are usually about $80.
How Much is a Ticket for Going 20 Over in Virginia?
In Virginia, driving 20 m.p.h. over the speed limit results in a $183 fine, additional fees, a loss of 6 points on your license, and a reckless driving charge.
What Happens if You Get a Speeding Ticket in Virginia?
The speeding ticket itself (the top will say “Virginia Uniform Summons”) will have a court date listed on it. That is the date/time where you can appear in court – or send a lawyer on your behalf – to argue the ticket.
Is 85 MPH Reckless in Virginia?
It depends upon the speed limit where you received the ticket. Virginia defines reckless driving as going 20 mph or more above the limit OR exceeding 85 mph regardless of the speed limit.
If you are in a 70 mph zone, 85 mph would just be simple speeding. But if the speed limit is 65 mph or lower, then 85 mph IS reckless driving.
How Long Does a Speeding Ticket in Virginia Stay on Your Record?
For Virginia license holders, a simple speeding ticket stays on your record for five years. If you have a license from another state, you should consult with your state’s DMV.
Is Speeding a Felony in Virginia?
No. Speeding is a “traffic infraction” in Virginia. If you are charged with “reckless driving” by speed, that is a class 1 misdemeanor.
Speeding typically only becomes a felony in rare circumstances where you are proven to have killed someone else, for example.
Can You Go to Jail for Speeding in Virginia?
Yes. Simple speeding alone is only an “infraction,” which means jail is NOT possible. However, reckless driving by speed IS a jailable offense.
I talk to people routinely who are surprised that jail IS a risk for their first offense for simply exceeding the speed limit by 20+ mph.
Typically in my area, jail becomes a real risk if you were exceeding the limit by 30 mph or more.
Is it Worth Fighting a Speeding Ticket in Virginia?
Absolutely! I’m biased of course, but it’s smart to get out in front of a speeding ticket to try to protect your driving record and insurance rates.
Speeding tickets also can hurt some people’s livelihood and ability to obtain future jobs. You should always at least talk to a local lawyer to see what your options are.
Get in Touch with a Virginia Speeding Ticket Lawyer Today and Receive a Free Consultation
If you were caught speeding in Virginia, your best option is to speak with an experienced Virginia traffic lawyer.
We have years of experience representing clients cited for speeding in Virginia.
We handle each case myself and provide every client with personal representation.
Contact Flusche and Fitzgerald, Attorneys at Law online or call (540) 318-5824today to set up your free initial consultation.
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What is the Severity of Speeding Ticket Offenses in Virginia?
What You Need to Know About Speeding in Virginia as an Out-of-State Resident
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Ticket for speeding in Virginia? Contact our office now for free answers