Facing DUI or DWI charges does not mean that you will go to jail.
However, you need to know what punishments you face after an arrest for DUI or DWI in Virginia.
As a seasoned DUI defense lawyer in Virginia, people often ask me, Will I go to jail for my first DUI? I defend people like you who wonder if you are going to jail for a DUI.
The particular circumstances of each DUI charge determine the outcome of the case. However, getting charged with DUI doesn’t mean that you are going to jail for DUI.
A knowledgeable DUI defense attorney will develop a defense strategy that reduces your exposure to jail for a DUI charge.
Some people do not understand that going to jail for DUI is a possibility. They are surprised to learn how severe the penalties for a DUI conviction are in Virginia. Many clients assume the answer is “No” when they ask can you go to jail for a DUI?
A first-offense DUI charge is a Class I misdemeanor in Virginia. As a Class I misdemeanor, the penalties for a first-offense DUI are:
The court may place you on probation and order you to take driving safety courses as well.
The penalties for a second offense DUI are more severe than for a first-offense DUI, even though both are Class I misdemeanors.
A conviction for a second-offense DUI carries mandatory jail time. The amount of jail time for DUI depends on the timing of your first DUI conviction. The penalties for a second-offense DUI conviction are:
The court could place you on probation with strict conditions as well that include going to driving school and using an interlocking ignition system.
A third-offense DUI in Virginia is a Class 6 Felony. A Class 6 felony conviction carries a minimum of one year in prison and a maximum term of five years.
A conviction for a third-offense DUI carries a minimum-mandatory sentence. The minimum-mandatory jail term is 180 days if the last offense occurred within the previous five years. The minimum term would be 90 days if your second conviction happened within the last ten years.
Fourth or subsequent DUI convictions are Class 6 felonies. Virginia law requires a one-year mandatory sentence for a fourth offense or greater.
Judges look at several factors that affect whether you go to jail and how long do you stay in jail for a DUI. When sentencing a person convicted of DUI, judges examine:
The sentencing judge could look at other factors as well that could keep you out of jail. Having a seasoned Virginia DUI lawyer argue on your behalf could help you avoid incarceration for your first DUI.
Driving while intoxicated by drugs, alcohol, or both result in the same charges. However, Virginia’s DUI law provides for minimum-mandatory sentences that you must serve in addition to the other penalties handed down by the judge if your blood alcohol content (BAC) meets a certain threshold.
If you had a BAC between 0.15 and 0.20 when arrested, then you must serve at least five days in jail for a first offense.
However, you must serve ten days in jail for a second offense within 10 years or if you have a BAC of 0.20 or higher when charged with a first offense.
Also, a judge must sentence you to 20 days in jail in addition to all other sanctions for having a second offense, or greater, if your BAC was 0.20 or higher.
A guilty verdict or plea stays on your criminal record forever. Virginia law allows prosecutors to use prior convictions that are within 10 years to bring more severe charges.
A DUI conviction stays on your driving record for at least 11 years. You could ask a judge to expunge the arrest if you receive an acquittal, the prosecution dismisses the case, or the State does not bring charges.
Speaking with our Virginia DUI defense attorneys as soon as possible after a DUI arrest is the best course of action to take. We have handled various DUI cases with favorable outcomes.
Contact our office today to make an appointment and start defending your DUI case.