When can you cross the double yellow line?
Did you know that Virginia law does permit you to cross the double yellow line in some circumstances? Check out my video for details:
MoreVideos and articles to learn about defenses and how I can help you!
Did you know that Virginia law does permit you to cross the double yellow line in some circumstances? Check out my video for details:
MoreI regularly defend folks who are charged with DUI in Virginia. Our criminal justice system depends upon criminal defense lawyers fighting hard to limit the government’s reach and protect individual rights. At the same time, I recognize that DUI is a serious offense that can result in fatalities. Based on data from the CDC, we […]
MoreIn Virginia there are certain options the judge has if you miss court when you’re summons to be there as a witness or as a defendant. One of those options is to issue what’s called a capias. A capias is a bench warrant for your arrest. It orders the sheriff to find you and arrest […]
MoreLooking to pay your Virginia traffic ticket online? If so, you may have already come across this page on the Virginia Judicial System website. Needless to say, the Commonwealth does not exactly make the process intuitive. In an attempt to simplify the process for you, we’ve provided easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions (with pictures!) for paying either […]
MoreEluding the police is a crime in Virginia, but exactly what type of crime and what punishment you may be looking at will depend upon the specifics facts of your case. Eluding law Virginia law lays out the basic standard and punishments for eluding the police in Virginia Code 46.2-817: Any person who, having received […]
MoreIf you’re accused of violating Virginia Code 18.2-272, you should be aware that this is a Class 1 misdemeanor, and you are facing a real likelihood of jail if you are found guilty. This statute covers violations of driving while your license is suspended for a DUI charge, essentially. This is considered very serious by […]
MoreThis page was published in 2017. Be sure to watch your surroundings for red light cameras that may be new since then. The map below displays the precise location of every red light camera in Virginia. Hover over any of the red indicators to see the city and cross streets for each red light camera […]
MoreAre you worried about jail or losing your license? Let’s look at defenses you may have and how I can help you with a charge under 46.2-301 Va Code. The law – 46.2-301 Va Code Virginia law prohibits driving while your license is suspended. There are various prohibitions for driving while suspended, but the most […]
MoreTo be driving, you have to be in control of the vehicle, behind the wheel of the vehicle actually being the person who’s driving the car making it go one way or another, or maybe you’re losing control of it, but you need to be the driver, the person that would be behind the wheel. […]
MoreWe did a quiz of hundreds of Virginians, to see if people know their rights when interacting with the police during a traffic stop. The results? A lot of people did really well, but a lot of people missed a couple of questions on the quiz, showing they don’t know their full rights and responsibilities […]
MoreI recommend Andrew without any reservations. It was evident during our initial consultation over the phone, that I was dealing with a great lawyer. I think one of his biggest strengths is his mediation skills...
Everything involved with my case was handled in a professional and timely matter, I couldn’t be happier with the entire process and its outcome.
I was so satisfied by the clarity Attorney Flusche explained my case before the court that I have listed him as the first call my organization will make if any of my drivers are ever pulled over again in Virginia.